
Magazine • the Silk Thread of Gorindo
'Roxanne Standefer's Gorindo Kata Geometrica’<br />©2012 Photo by Claudio Iedwab

The Silk Thread of Gorindo - Ottawa - Canada

Issue 18

- Gorindo Kata Geometrica

- Advice about... Learning Techniques

- Twin Forearm Block - Kakiwake-uke

- Pearls of Gorindo...

Photo cover "Roxanne Standefer's Gorindo Kata Geometrica" by ©2012 Claudio Iedwab


Twin Forearm Block - Kakiwake-uke


Claudio Iedwab - kakiwake-uke


Initially, cross both forearms in front of your chest, keeping elbows near the lower ribs. The back of the hands will face outside. With a circular motion, as if you are opening two shutters outward, turn the forearms outside until the fists are in front of the shoulders and parallel. Both fists will have the palms oriented toward a centerline in front of you, in such a way that if you extend the thumbs they will point toward your face. Both fists are at shoulder level and the elbows a fist distance out from the ribs.



The height of the block will change according to the attack. It can be used to open a grab with two hands to the shoulders, chest or arms. It will cover the chest, neck or face level with a simultaneous motion of the forearms. Use the muscle of the forearms to make contact while blocking or deflecting an attack, not the wrists’ bones because they are fragile. Avoid opening the elbows farther than the body’s width.

Keep a real sense of the width of your body and the defended area.

kakiwake-uke zenkutsu-dachi


by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer

Originallly published in the Gorindo Student Manual by Claudio Iedwab & Roxanne Standefer

©2012 Illustrations by Claudio Iedwab / ©2011 Photo by Roxanne Standefer



- Gorindo Kata Geometrica

- Advice about... Learning Techniques

- Twin Forearm Block - Kakiwake-uke

- Pearls of Gorindo...


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